Testimonies In Malaysia

note: refer to 'AWARENESS' page for more details about cancer causing by normal sanitary pad and also menstrual problem by women.

note: refer to the 'HEALING CRISIS' page for details after wearing it within 5 days. 

Uterus Fibroid

Mrs Chow Geok Sim (Age: 35) Terengganu, Malaysia
Rahim saya mempunyai sebiji fibroid yang bersaiz 8 cm. 3 suntikan telah diberi oleh doktor, tetapi fibroid itu tidak mengecut. Jadi, doktor berkeputusan untuk membuat pembedahan untuk membuang seluruh rahim saya pada Ogos 2006. Hanya selepas sebulan selepas menggunakan pad ini, fibroid itu mengecut kepada 5 cm. Kemudian, doktor memberitahu saya tidak perlu membuang seluruh rahim, tetapi hanya perlu membuang fibroid tersebut sahaja. Saya telah menyambung penggunaan pad ini selepas pembedahan tersebut kerana ia membantu proses pemulihan. Terima kasih kerana membawa pad ini untuk saya.

I had a uterus fibroid sized 8 cm. The fibroid did not shrink after 3 injections by doctor. Therefore, doctor advised me to go for an operation to remove the uterus in August 2006. Just a month after using the pantiliner, the fibroid shrunk to 5 cm. Then, the doctor said the uterus could be kept and only to remove the fibroid. I continued using the pad after the operation, it helps in the recovering process. Thank you for brought this pad for me.